LaMarr Woodley Needs Your Help

Anybody catch the debate last night?   I’m new to the politics but that was the worst debate I’ve ever seen. They should never let Tom Brokaw near another debate ever. “Gentlemen, please recite your stump speech.” Where is Gwen Ifill when you need her?

In case you missed it, I’ll give you a quick recap:  John McCain aka Viagra McManyhouses called his opponent “that one” and said several other bizarre things that reminded me of my dad.  His entire demeanor was similar to that of your crusty old neighbor yelling, “Get off my lawn!”   Barack Obama aka Lightworker Von Hopenchange didn’t say anything earth-shattering but at least he kept his cool and didn’t say anything outright stupid.

Now on to an election Steeler Nation might actually care about.

While we bask in the afterglow of the utter destruction of those Jagoffs from Jacksonville, the rest of the football world has decided to take notice.  Not one, not two, but THREE of our guys are up for awards this week.   Please take a moment to click on the links and stuff the ballot box for our Steelers.  Remember, do it the Republican way, vote early and vote often.   I want a Black and Gold sweep this week or else I’m posting a video of Sally Wiggin pole dancing.

Here are the links:

Mister Woodley aka Mister Woodley for Defensive Player of the Week.

Big Ben aka Quarterbackus Indestructible for Offensive Player of the Week.

Mike Tomlin aka Omarepps Lookaliker for Coach of the Week.

Max Starks aka Loafus Maximus for Overpaid Benchwarmer of the Week.
