There’s an old saying: Once is a fluke, twice is a pattern.
For the second time in less than a year, Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger is being accused of sexual assault. Yesterday afternoon, TMZ broke the story of Big Ben’s involvement in an incident which occurred at a nightclub in Milledgeville, Georgia. The story has since been reported by the national media after being confirmed by the Georgia police. The alleged victim, a 20-year-old female student from Georgia College & State University, was treated and released from the hospital on Friday morning.
The Steelers say they are currently “gathering facts on the incident.” Meanwhile, Ben’s weasel agent released a statement where they took the high road by launching a preemptive attack on the victim by saying, “Obviously, given the prior accusation against Ben, we are skeptical of motive, but we will continue to cooperate with everyone involved.” Ben was evidently interviewed by the police some time Friday afternoon. No charges have been filed as of yet.
The details of the night in question are still a bit hazy at this point. What seems to be clear is Ben and “a group of friends” (including teammate Willie Colon apparently) started the night drinking heavily at a bar called “The Brick” until about 1:30 a.m. They then moved on to another club, Capital City, where the incident allegedly occurred. Roethlisberger’s accuser claims she was in the ladies room when Ben entered and proceeded to assault her.
As with the Andrea McNulty case, I’ll withhold final judgement until more details emerge. But I think this incident firmly establishes once and for all that what I’ve been saying all along is absolutely true: Ben Roethlisberger is a dick.
Using simple logic, the female student wouldn’t go to the hospital seeking treatment unless there was some sort of physical proof she had been with Ben. So even if we are to believe Ben’s weasel agent’s inference that this woman is a lying skank who is trying to cash in on having sex with Ben, we are still left with the fact that Ben spent the night getting hammered and then banged a groupie in the ladies restroom. Great behavior there, Ben. You make Skippy look like a choir boy.
And of course if this allegation is true, then you have to take another look at the McNulty case. Sure the woman seems to be a little off her rocker but being weird doesn’t automatically make you a liar. Honestly, the fact the vast majority of his Steeler teammates can’t stand this idiot should’ve been a red flag from the get-go. When a person of such outstanding character as Hines Ward dislikes you, that should tell you something. Regardless of the outcome of either sexual assault allegation, Ben Roethlisberger has once again brought disgrace to himself, his profession, and most importantly to the Steelers organization.