You may remember this dumb lug getting a huge hit that jacked up Hines Ward last season in Baltimore. No need to post the video here, there’s plenty of Ravens fans on YouTube who have their little j-circles with a replay of the hit that loops for minutes at a time. Go find it if you need reminding. J. Johnson made news yesterday by signing with the San Diego Chargers.
And, like true Ratbird
classless fashion, Johnson could not help but make one final parting shot at the Steelers.
"I told everybody if I went to Pittsburgh, I would’ve had to throw up on my jersey every time we played."
That’s ok, Johnson. You have neither the talent nor the class to ever grace a Steelers uniform. You left a team that has a reputation in the league for having a physical tough defense for a defense that makes my nephew’s little league team look like the Sons of Anarchy. You left a team with an overrated mediocre quarterback for… well…. another overrated mediocre quarterback. Ooops. So much for making it to the Super Bowl let alone the playoffs anytime soon.
Have fun in San Diego. Enjoy the warm weather and your money as you see your team finish 7-9 in the weakest division in the NFL. Enjoy that ever so legendary Charger collapse as the season dwindles on. And don’t think for a second that your statement about the Steelers redeems yourself with Ravens fans for leaving the team. They hated you the second you signed on the dotted line with the Chargers. There’s no loyalty there.
Oh hey! Looks like your new team visits the fair city of Pittsburgh next season. Don’t worry we won’t make you put on a Steelers jersey, so there’s no fear of throwing up. We’ll just bring a box of tissues in case you have the revelation of what a an idiot you are for making the stupid mistake of heading west.