There’s been no shortage of speculation and coverage of the fate of Steelers receiver Mike Wallace. Will he stay or will he go. All of the previous coverage has apparently been completely unnecessary; all we needed to do was ask the soothsayer Antonio Brown, he can see the future.
He appeared on NFL Network Friday to talk about a couple of things happening with the Steelers, and well giggle a bit when his trip to the Pro Bowl was mentioned and his stats mentioned. Brown, who had just stopped off at Men’s Warehouse for their Easter sale, was looking dapper in his Cadbury egg colored purple tie.
He was certain that Wallace would be back in Pittsburgh as his counterpart in 2012. “I definitely expect it,” he said. “I definitely look forward to him providing me help from the other side, rolling coverages — he’s a great teammate of mine.”
Host Andrew Siliciano, who was entirely too animated for a conversation about, well nothing newsworthy in the very least, asked Brown if he was absolutely sure. “No doubt in my mind, he’s coming back,” Brown said.
There you go. If there is any question still left out there, it should now be erased. Antonio Brown has spoken. Maybe we could ask him if we’re getting six more weeks of winter or if I’m getting that Red Ryder BB gun for xmas this year.
Antonio was also asked about the new guy in town, Todd Haley, and what he thinks playing for him will be like….
“I heard he challenges players … and I love that. … He doesn’t allow guys to underachieve. And you find that, with most players in this league, there are a lot of underachievers so he’s the type of guy who pushes players and that’s something I enjoy. … We’re definitely looking forward to Todd Haley … and we’re just excited for the fresh start.”
I’m guessing him calling most of the NFL slackers, that he was the victim of a twitter-storm this weekend, because every guy in the league knows he’s on the plus side of the bell curve.
And finally, they talked about the loss of Hines Ward in the locker room. It’s obvious that Hines spent considerable time teaching Mr. Brown the finer points of flossing three times per day, as the glimmer from his smile was eye piercing, and I wasn’t even watching in HD. I’m not sure Brown’s the guy to step up in that leadership role, but I do know he’s a bright spot on the Steelers roster for 2012. Now if I can just get him to pick 5 numbers for me…