Steelers Big Ben Off to Train the Brain.

Ben’s been out of the news for a while. We should be happy about that, means he’s been on the straight and narrow. And also because I’ve run out of good comebacks to a ben in the bathroom joke.  And better yet, he’s also not out there blowing smoke to local radio guys saying he’s the best QB in the league like some other team’s sore losers signal callers.(I speak of you Flacco and would like to remind you that A: you’re not even consistently good and B: no one not wearing a purple #5 – or any other purple number for that matter- shares your sentiment.) Ok we now return to our regularly scheduled program.   

But here’s what Ben will be doing. He’s reportedly heading to Ireland (thanks Papa Rooney?) and Scotland to begin his grueling pre-season training and sharpen his focus for the upcoming 2012 games. He’ll be outdoors, on a green playing field, he’ll be practicing his ball accuracy, he’ll be reading the opposing environment, but at the end of the day he’ll be hoping to low score his competition. Yep, he’s heading overseas to play golf. And yes, I used the word grueling, his description, not mine.

He tells Yahoo! Sports “it’s going to be pretty hardcore. I’ll be playing 12 courses in 10 days.”  Ben is getting to tee off on some of golf’s holy grounds, including St Andrews and the K club.  Places where they hold championships, places I’m guessing you don’t just call up and get a tee time. One of the reasons he is embarking on this epic journey is to work the noggin. He says “golf is such a mental challenge, and as frustrating it can be sometimes, it can definitely make you stronger.”  So can the daily crossword or Sudoku, but I guess that’s just what us common folk do.  I don’t play golf, unless there is a windmill or wii involved so I won’t judge its ability to enhance your brain activity. Considering my golfer references tend toward Bill Murray or Adam Sandler, it’s not helping the get smart argument either….Though I have seen some guys get a great bicep workout bending their clubs.

I have to say, I’m happy he is doing this. Whatever it takes to get our guy back in the ready for the upcoming season I’m all for. Ben does love to play and it’s unlikely he can sprain, strain or break any part of his body while putting. Right? Plus, he will be far from the American media and likely won’t be able to find any liquor shots trouble in the club house. He can take the time to recharge and re-find his competitive nature away from the football field.  I just hope that maybe Haley gave him an advanced copy of the new playbook to read on the plane.
