Today marked the first day of the Steelers OTA’s. Players and coaches are prepping for the upcoming season. Steeler Nation across the globe waits for word out of the South Side for any news, significant or not. Apparently, it doesn’t matter how young or old you are to have a vested interest into this momentous occasion.
I don’t really post anything about my family on this blog. Though the die hards that we are, I like to keep them more in the background – mainly so my wife doesn’t constantly berate me for my poor analogies and even poorer use of the word ‘jagoff’ (she is from Minnesota after all). However, today marks a very significant step in my son’s indoctrination into Steeler Nation. I told him this morning that today began the beginning of OTA’s for the Steelers. I later found him this morning reading up on his Steelers 101 book and practicing his chant. I was really impressed considering I sang him the ‘Here We Go’ chant just moments earlier. Well – see for yourself. Maybe he can help the offense learn the ‘lingo’ of the new plays….
Let me remind you – he is 10 days shy of turning 2. And I hope that David DeCastro can forgive him for wearing a shirt from a different ivy league school – it was a gift from his godparents.