Just sitting around the house tonight thinking about what this Steelers defense could be like in 2012. Some key veterans are in need of really stepping up. Some rookies need to grow up quickly and contribute to a defense in need of depth.
There’s one player in particular who needs to refocus and channel some Steelers of old – Lawrence Timmons. Timmons will be entering his 6th season with the Steelers, and is coming off a season that was a falloff from 2010. Timmons had a lower output in tackles (42 less) and struggled to defend the pass across the middle. It’s unclear what happened between 2010 and 2011 that caused an uncharacteristic drop – he’s improved every year in all facets of the ILB position, and was poised to be even better in 2011. Granted, the Steelers still ranked as the top defense in the league in 2010. However, with the loss of defensive leader and veteran James Farrior, it’s either Foote or Timmons who needs to step up in a big way.
And, I’m not just talking about routine play either – plugging holes, getting to ball carriers, batting down some passes. No. Timmons needs to become a force in the middle of the field for this Steelers defense. And who better to channel than good ol’ #58 to stir up some intimidation and bone crushing hits. As the below video mentions, Lambert didn’t have to hit hard (even though he did on most occasions). He just needed to play well and intimidate the other team with that toothless glare. And, it worked.
So here’s to Mr. Lambert. Check out the video below that is a nice treat and tribute. Then go out to the parking lot between Heinz Field and PNC Park. Get some candles out, do some ‘ooooo’ing and ‘ummmm’ing and get the living spirit of #58 to make its way over to #94. It’ll be fun. Kinda like Angels in the Outfield – his Christopher Lloyd to our Tony Danza….. but without the bad acting….. eeeesh.