A third round pick in 1999, Porter was one of those guys you either loved or loved to hate. While with Pittsburgh he was a productive pass rusher for eight seasons, racking up sack after sack. The guy’s trash talking was legendary, prowling around midfield before games, shirt all hiked up, practicing his “your momma jokes”. But when it came time to play, he was a fierce competitor and played the position as well as most anyone.
Porter was the one who had two key sacks on Manning in the 2005 late season playoffs when we thought that game might just go the other way.
Porter is the one who recorded 327 tackles, 60+ sacks and 10 INTS in his time with the Steelers over 8 seasons.
Porter is the one who was selected to four ProBowls
But more times than not, J-Peezy found himself on the controversial side of things, sometimes on the turf, but most times not.
Porter was the one who pissed off the President when the team visited the White House.
Porter is the one who got tossed pre-game because Green stood him up for dinner, he couldn’t hold his emotions toward the Browns.
Porter is the one who called Brandon Marshall soft, with popcorn muscles, dancing like a girl in the clubs. (OK that’s kind of funny).
Porter is the one whose mouth cashed his ticket out of Miami when he couldn’t seem to stop bashing team management and then coach Sparano.
Porter is the one who was arrested outside a Taco Bell for “handling” a cop.
But I think what we forget is that he did have a softer side, one that maybe he didn’t show to the media and certainly his opponents.
Porter was the one in the tunnel at SuperBowl XL who held back the team to let Bettis run out first, to have his moment.
Porter was the one who contrived the plan to pin up old school LeBeau jersey’s before a Lion’s game.
Porter is the one, who after his two dogs accidentally killed a neighbors miniature horse, did all he could to make amends to the family and profusely apologized through the media.
Porter is the one who laid a big wet kiss on Cowher after returning an interception to the endzone.
I for one am glad he’s coming back to retire in the black and gold. Guy deserves it.