I was thinking of a post about the bright spots in Sunday’s game. Maybe Heath Miller’s third down conversions, Jonathan Dwyer’s push for yardage on second efforts, or how Wallace seemed to be in tune…even when Ben didn’t see him… running down the middle of the field… wide open… for a score…
But instead I wanted to take a step away from football, even just for a minute, and I hope that each of you will remember to do the same.
Hero. Webster’s defines it as a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability; one who shows great courage. Everyone has their own definition of the word. And what it means and who it should be. We often call the guys on the gridiron heroes. David Tyree was the hero in Super Bowl 42. Troy Polamalu was the hero in the 2009 AFC Championship. Cam Newton is the self-proclaimed super hero in Carolina.
But more often than not we find them in our everyday lives. That is, if we look hard enough.
I see them in small ways like the man who walks his dog every day whose big smile says good morning to everyone in the neighborhood… and bigger like my friend Rich who fearlessly battles pancreatic cancer but always wants to ride a few more miles. I see one in my mom who waited tables at night to give us lunch money and school clothes.
But today, of all days, I think we should salute the heroes of this country. The ones like my friend Nathan who is currently spending another 8 months away in Afghanistan from his bride. Like Brian, a US Army Sergeant, as big as I imagine James Harrison would be, who I met on a Southwest flight…he told me serving this country was HIS honor and privilege. Like the 42 year old NY Fire Chief who led his squad up 35 flights of the North Tower only to have it crumble around him. Like the men on Flight 93 who tried to save their fellow passengers lives.
Those guys.
Take a minute and say thank you. To the big heroes and the small ones. The ones who make your life better and our country stronger. The ones you know and the ones you don’t.
Steeler Nation, who is your hero?