Mike Adams Vs. Marcus Gilbert: The Battle for Left and Right Tackle

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Final Decision

As I watched hours of game film on both Marcus Gilbert and Mike Adams, I realized it was not as clear cut of a decision as I thought it might be since both players are young, with so much potential. I have gone back and forth so many times on who would be more successful at RT and LT. Mike Adams is a bit more raw than Gilbert, but Gilbert has one more season under his belt, as well as more knowledge of the playbook. I had to go back to what kind of skill sets are needed to play each position. According to former scout Matt Miller, “Right Tackles are typically stronger and not as fast. Left Tackles are quicker, more agile as they have to protect in space more.” From my evaluations, it became clear who should play where. Marcus Gilbert is stronger than Adams, but he is not as athletic. Mike Adams is quicker and has the athleticism to play the left tackle position. Mike Adams has said in the past that he prefers left tackle because that is what he has played all of his football career (up until 2012). Adams seems to be who the Steelers see as their left tackle of the future when they drafted him in the second round. You might say that Adams hasn’t proven he can man the left tackle position, but if he can have another offseason of preparation, working on his technique, and most of all, his footwork, he is going to be a force to be reckoned with for years to come. Also, Marcus Gilbert could very well play left tackle, but I believe Mike Adams has more upside. Gilbert can be a physical, road mauler himself, he just needs to become stronger in the offseason. The Steelers are going to have two tackles who have the ability to be a huge part of their offense for years to come. Its a win-win for the Steelers because I believe that they have two, young, talented tackles at their disposal. We all should be looking forward to see how these two tackles develop into future All-Pros.

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