With no offense towards 80s syn-pop posers OMD, I thought I’d take my first post opportunity here on Nice Pick Cowher and offend at least the sensibilities of, well, basically everyone. Put my best agitant-foot forward, if you will. Give a good bad first impression, that sort of thing.
Ahmad Bradshaw is a great fit at Running Back for the Pittsburgh Steelers. Mandatory Credit: Brad Penner-USA TODAY Sports
Muse some meaning out of a cummings-esque flair of saturating with punctuation the eternal run-on sentence, all on a sports blog. Make a lot of people wonder if I’ve got my head screwed on straight, even. Antagonize even more and have a few, somewhere, chuckle in conspiratory sarcasm. I like disclaimers a lot, so here are a couple as introduction for your expected comments to anything that I end up saying here:
- no, that’s not what I meant.
- yes, I considered that angle, as well.
- irregardless, the Ravens are still not as good of a Football team as Pittsburgh. Period.
Yes, I’m ready for the damned Draft, too – unlike some recent years (goose-egg returns in 2006, 2008 in particular), we are seeing some maturity from our most recent Draft classes albeit not enough, nor fast enough. What with a very deep 2013 Class of talent to begin drawing from at #17, I think Colbert & Co. get it done this year with a very solid, contributing group. They will have to (contribute), all of them (both Colbert and the Draftees), if the Steeler’s are to regain our deserved Playoff and Super Bowl potential and form.
Taking a good degree of comfort and confidence in our upcoming Draft selections, I decided at work this morning to get frivolous with Cap money we don’t have (even with the circa $5 mil coming to us in June from Willie Colon’s release) and play GM on some highly uncharacteristic Free Agency moves under the cover of darkness and primarily predicated on sports medicine miracles in getting the Steelers back to being official Bully of the AFC North.
To get us there here are some off-the-grid, under-the-radar, mistweeted by Rapoport, on-the-down-low, keep it on the hush offensive personnel maneuvers in the dark I wish Pittsburgh had made, or could make: