Wallace is no longer a member of the Steelers. Mandatory Credit: Cary Edmondson-USA TODAY Sports
Over the weekend, it was revealed that wide receiver Mike Wallace said some less than flattering things about the Pittsburgh Steelers. According to the Miami Herald, Wallace said that he enjoyed his new surroundings because:
"Everybody has a college mentality around here [Miami]. It’s a lot different than where I came from [Pittsburgh]. Everybody’s hungry. Everybody wants to get better, get to where we need to be – that’s a winning record."
Outside of the fact that the Steelers have actually enjoyed an enormous amount of success over the last decade and a half, “Butterfingers'” remarks were nothing short of cheap and unnecessary. I certainly pointed out how ridiculous, misinformed and snide that Wallace’s comments actually were, and I also questioned the pass-catcher’s own “hunger” to win and “get better” when he was one of the team’s biggest “lolleygaggers” during Pittsburgh’s 8-8 campaign last fall.
Of course, I wasn’t the only person who bashed Wallace for his remarks as he was criticized heavily by many after the article was published. The wide receiver was probably tired of the massive amounts of criticism and questions which resulted from his comments, because he took to Twitter on Monday evening and tried to play some “damage control:”
I want it to be known that I have nothing but love and respect for everybody in the Pittsburgh Steelers oraganization that is a A1
— Mike Wallace (@Wallace17_daKid) May 27, 2013
Organization over there those guys are my brothers for life beyond football so to all the people who think I take shots at them it is
— Mike Wallace (@Wallace17_daKid) May 27, 2013
Totally misleading idk people keep making it out like I wanna bash them I am forever grateful for everything they have ever done for me
— Mike Wallace (@Wallace17_daKid) May 27, 2013
First of all, I think that I can speak for most members of “Steeler Nation” when I say that I do not buy any of what you said above, Mr. Wallace. If you truly were “grateful” and did not want to “bash” the Pittsburgh’s brass and personnel for what they did for you when you were employed by them, why did you even bother to make those remarks over the weekend in the Miami Herald?
Plenty of wide receivers have played out their contracts in Pittsburgh and left for “greener” pastures as unrestricted free agents (Yancey Thigpen, Antwaan Randle El, Plaxico Burress, etc..). But you know what, Mikey? None of them publicly bashed their former teammates and franchise in the manner which you have done this past offseason. And if you “cared” so much or were so “grateful” for what the Rooney’s & Co. did for you, why not stay silent, stoic and professional as you and put Pittsburgh in your rear-view mirror while you continue your career?
But hey, you can “clarify” and “explain” all that you want to via the social media venue of your choice, Mr. Wallace. It probably won’t do you any good in terms of “winning the hearts & minds” of those you so easily dismissed in Pittsburgh though. You simply took the time and made your thoughts on the Steelers and Pittsburgh abundantly clear over the last few months, and your childish actions throughout the 2012 campaign speak for themselves.
Had you signed with Miami and simply gone about your business like a professional, I’m sure that nobody would have blamed you for taking the bigger contract like the other guys who left town over the years did. But you said what you needed to say about the Pittsburgh Steelers, and no half-hearted attempt on Twitter to apologize/make amends will put you in any sort of high esteem in “Steeler Nation’s” book.
So why don’t you do everybody a favor and go cry the rest of your teammates, the fanbase, and I a river, Mike. I just hope that you’re ready for the cascades of “BOOS” which will rain down upon you when you visit Heinz Field in Week 14.
Moreover, I hope that the forecast calls for some snowy conditions, especially because we all know that your Daddy said that you didn’t like “snow” and “cold weather” after you signed with Miami.