NPC Radio S2E5: Pittsburgh Steelers Training Camp & Special Guest Mark Kaboly From The Pittsburgh Tribune Review

Mark Kaboly likes what he sees with Jarvis Jones so far this training camp. Credit: Vincent Pugliese-USA TODAY Sports

Greetings, Steeler Nation.

Below you will find the NPC Radio podcast from last night.  During this episode, Nick, Craig, and Dom are joined by Mark Kaboly from the Pittsburgh Tribune Review who is in Latrobe for camp.  Mark’s been at camp for a while now, and shares some of his observations from camp as well as some insights to the 2013 season as the trio pepper him with what’s weighing on the minds of Steeler Nation.

Is leadership a concern on the team?  Does Ben carry the mantle of team leader that he seemed to take up during one of the OTA’s earlier this year?

Will Ben Roethlisberger have one of his best seasons this year?  Are the pieces in place?  Mark makes mention that Big Ben is of that magical age range when some of the best QB’s to ever play the game, come into their own.  Is now the time for Ben?

What can we expect from the Steelers’ Red Zone offense this season?  Who will be Ben’s ‘go to’ when they put the ball in the air – Plax, Will Johnson, someone else?

How does Mark feel about Jarvis Jones vs. Jason Worilds?

Is this Dick LeBeau’s final season with the Steelers?

Are those the bells of Latrobe in the background or Nick’s grandfather clock?  You be the judge.

Click the link for the podcast:

NPC Radio With Special Guest Mark Kaboly

Be sure to catch the whole episode and let us know what you think.  Also check out more of Mark’s thoughts and coverage of the Steelers at the Trib’s website.  You can also follow Mark on Twitter – @MarkKaboly_Trib
