For the Pittsburgh Steelers and Steelers Nation, 2013 did not end they way we all wanted it to. Our beloved Black & Gold will be sitting on their couches this postseason for the second year in a row. As it probably was for most, this season was an emotional roller coaster and one that leaves me feeling hopeful yet a little jacked at the same time.
An entire first half of the season squandered leading to a strong second half despite a door slam by 7pm on Sunday.
Well, football is just a game after all. And, we will all love our Steelers no matter the outcome – even if certain coaches, players, and brass tick us off from time to time. 2014 is just around the corner – maybe even already here for some of you in the far reaches of Steeler Nation. We may not always agree with each other about this team, it’s problems, and what the future should look like. But, one thing is for certain, we are all fans. We are all a part of Steeler Nation.
We here at NPC, wish each and every one of our readers the happiest of a New Years. May 2014 bring you light, love, luck, and happiness. May it also produce a playoff bound Pittsburgh Steelers squad and many miserable days and nights to our dear friends in Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Baltimore. May yelling at the TV screen and raising the blood pressure a few points every Sunday afternoon in the fall be the only stressful times for you this year.
Happy 2014 to you, Steeler Nation.