The Pittsburgh Steelers head to Tampa Bay to take on a hot Ryan Fitzpatrick and Buccaneers team in Week 3.
Steelers vs. the Buccaneers – Breakdown
In this, the third game of the season, it would appear with all of the noise around sports media that the Steelers are in total chaos. Perceived team drama, from Tomlin, losing the locker room, Antonio Brown being a malcontent, Le’Veon Bell attending beach parties, offensive linemen spouting off about all things Steelers to the media, even outlets dragging Ben into it with stripper sorted book details; one could believe that perception.
At the other end of the spectrum, you have the riding high on the skulls and crossbones the Tampa Bay Buccaneers whose fans are deliriously out of control with their team’s short-term success. They are saying, ” Jamies who” and Ryan Fitzpatrick (FitzMagic) can take us on the carpet ride to the top.” They have more swagger then that swashbuckler, “Jack Sparrow” pirating the Black Pearl. But excuse me, if I have seen this movie more then once before. Nothing is ever as bad as it seems or good as it looks but often falls somewhere in between.
We have seen the sky is falling gloomy forecast with past Steeler Teams; only to see them rise to the top to take their rightful place as threats or kings of the throne. The media storm that came in like a hurricane back in 1976 with the team starting out with a 1-4 record and a hurt Bradshaw, needed nine straight wins just to make the playoffs that year.
In1984, the team finished 9-7 but made a decent run in the playoffs only to come up short of their ultimate goal. Each of those times, the national sports media and some local media as well, counted out the team with bad press that had the fans up in arms. The other part of the story is that we have seen journeymen QB’s light up the league early, only to flame out as if their elixirs had worn off. They fall back to the backup status never to be heard from again until they can find another genie in the bottle. Which all brings me to this weeks game.
Tomlin has not and never will lose his locker room even if players sometimes lose their heads or direction. This is not some “soft” guy that players can run over even if he is a players coach. In spite of what the pundits or ex-players say…Tomlin is in control.
He is not built any other way and knowing his persona, he would walk away if it ever came to that. People need to get a grip with the Bill “Belecheat” comparison, here is a guy that compromised the morality of the game on several occasions. Oh, but he is a genius of a coach and so discipline, please, get the tapes gate and the deflated balls out of here.
Those are the ones he got caught, no telling what else the mad scientist, minimalist interviewee, and cloak with no dagger of a coach has gotten away with. If I were starting a team, wanted to find the most talented hard working and most competitive player; give me AB all day.
The interview that he gave on Thursday said it all in which there is no need to repeat. But the just of it is, the media will always paint him with a broad brush and he doesn’t deserve that. As a fan, what has irked me all through the years when it comes to the Steelers in general, the media has shown us no love. Sometimes they throw us a bone here and there, but that team in Texas, the one in Lambeau field and of course the evil empire; these teams have garnished much more attention.
They have given us the Rodney Dangerfield treatment and never liked us winning so much in the past. But its all good, because it’s not how you start but how you finish. So on with the Strap Up and breakdown.