The Pittsburgh Steelers have no one to blame but themselves for the last two weeks, meaning it’s time to man up or shut up.
StrapUp! It has been a long two weeks of second guessing, over analysis and downright fan-panic because of just “tuurrible” Black n’ Gold football, sending Steeler Nation into pigskin purgatory. The third quarter of the season followed the same pattern as the first quarter in which there were uneven performances.
The first quarter resulted in one win, one tie and two losses while this third quarter netted a two up/ two down record. The second quarter of the season saw the team win four straight using a high powered offense and a smothering defense coupled with some Lombardi type coaching. (Or at least George Halas, lol). Now, its the fourth quarter and just like in a single game, you sink or swim in the last quarter; meaning, here is when you draw the line in the sand and take a stand.
The Steelers have to put up or shut up and no more “reasons” (excuses) for why this didn’t happen or that happened. In this case, the Steelers football livelihood is on that line with playoffs as well as the playoff position at stake with no room for error.
So, what’s it going to be Black n’ Gold? Are you ready to “man up,” and take your rightful place amongst the rest of the elites? We’re calling you out, so what are you going to do about it?
I don’t know how many of you remember back in the day during your schoolyard days when the neighborhood toughs were ruling the sidewalks. Looking back on those days now are almost comical, you either accepted the challenges and stood your ground or walked away.
Then there were always the bigger bully dudes of whom you just walked away. Like Big Buster, you just handed over your lunch money to avoid having your face decorated in different shades of black and blue. However, the bully guys eventually got what was coming to them one way or another.
So, the challenges went something like this, “I dare you, knock this stick off of my shoulder or step over this line. At that point, two eight year old’s would be rolling around on the ground in front of a group of other yelling eight year old’s. Eventually, someone would break it up, or one would give up or the two participants would get tired and go home.
The next day they would be friends again as if it never happened. Pittsburgh neighborhoods were all like this, ready to accept any challenges from anybody, anywhere and at any time. The Steelers were built on that same premise, to draw the line in the sand, to take on the toughs and beat back the bullies.
The Steelers have four tough games left (all games are tough this time of the year in spite of records), two on the road and two at home. This last quarter is when they need to play every game as if it is their last. The focus first is on the Oakland Raiders in the dreaded “Black hole,” where many football teams dreams turned into nightmares over the years.
No need to bore you and quote statistics, the Steelers know they always have long time scores to settle dating back to the eighth grade. There were many “sticks knocked off of the shoulders” that decided the fate of both teams throughout the years.