The Pittsburgh Steelers’ 2018 season ended abruptly as the Ravens defeated the Browns on Sunday, and boy does it hurt.
For those of you who don’t know me personally, my name is Michael O’Brien. I stand around 5’8 at 190 lbs and carry a multicolored beard consisting of different shades of red and brown. My Irish heritage resembles the Rooney family as both the Rooney’s and myself value hard work, dedication, and The Pittsburgh Steelers.
This past Christmas, I was delighted to open a box filled with white present paper. It was just translucent enough to see black and yellow shine through. I was positive that this was a Steelers jersey. Better yet, it was the home jersey of 2017 first round pick TJ Watt. I was filled with joy, seeing that my last few jerseys hadn’t paid off in the long run ( stay tuned for an explanation ). Little did I know I was only going to be able to wear this jersey once during the 2018-2019 season, as the Steelers were eliminated from playoff contention because Lamar Jackson and the Ravens defense were able to fend off the slightly less coordinated Cleveland Browns.
Not being able to make the playoffs has put a dagger in not only my own heart, but to the hearts of many Steelers fans around the country. Every Steelers fan should feel the same exact hurt, because our team is unbelievably laughable when it comes down to the wire.
Here are the things that have frustrated me the most as a Steelers fan.