Missi Mathews
Unfortunately, our database did not have a picture of Missi Mathews but she will be a favorite for this job. She has been with the team for many years and she is all over the Steelers website. Interviewing and interacting with players, coaches, and personal is something she does daily. Another thing is she currently helps with the broadcasts with games as the sideline reporter. She knows everything to know about this team and the game of football itself. Mathews might not be a name everyone knows if they don’t pay attention to the team’s website or gameday festivities but this would be a nice option. This would be a great addition alongside Hillgrove in the booth as she can relay what was going on with the team before, during, and after the game.
Her interactions with the Steelers will add unparalleled insight into what is going on with the team throughout the game experience. Many people might not have thought about her name while conjecturing about Ilkin’s replacement but they should be going forward. She has worked her tail off for this franchise and she should have just as good of a shot as anyone else on this list to get this position.