As any Steelers fan, you have no doubt read numerous articles watched updates on ESPN, NFL Network, or wherever you go to get your NFL news.
The story is heartbreaking and tragic; there is little doubt about that. Typically, when situations like Haskins arise, the media generally gets it right in reporting the tragedy. A shining example of that was the unexpected death of Kobe Bryant.
While that is usually the case, it did not happen this time. Unfortunately, commentators and reporters who should have known better said some very careless things. In part, one set of comments was tactless. The other set of comments was made by someone who did not command all the facts surrounding Haskins’ death and made ill-advised comments due to his lack of knowledge surrounding the specifics that led to the cause of Dwayne Haskins’ death.
Thus, it leads one to wonder how members of the media have managed to take a forthright newsworthy event in Haskins’s case and turn it into a situation stealing the limelight from the person we should be conversing about being the life of Haskins. We should not be discussing idiotic comments made by the media. Yet here we are.
Some of the comments have drawn the ire of former Steelers players, Ravens quarterback Lamar Jackson, and former NFL wide receiver Dez Bryant. The situation is so extreme here that it could potentially cost one person his job as a commentator on NFL Radio. There could also be some ramifications to a second reporter as well.