
The Nice Pick, Cowher Staff

Craig Gottschalk, Co-Editor:  A native Pittsburgh’er, Craig’s been watching and loving Steeler football for over 25 years since he was 7 years old. Currently living in Minneapolis, Craig is thankful he doesn’t have to live in another AFC North city and only has to put up with the NFC North.  He’s been a freelance writer for the last four years covering the Steelers as well as the lighting entertainment industry.  You can follow Craig on Twitter @NicePickCowerC

Kimmy Myers, Co-Editor:  Kimmy’s been in a long-term relationship with the Pittsburgh Steelers since her Pap declared her mother was pregnant with Terry Bradshaw’s replacement instead of twin girls. Resident of the greatest city on the planet and lover of all things Pittsburgh. She’s been writing for NPC since August of 2011. She also contributes to as an NFL Columnist. Kimmy enjoys french fries on her salads and sports autobiographies.   Follow Kimmy on Twitter @Kimmy_KimKimM

Anthony Chiado, Staff Writer:  Anthony is a high school student in Northern Virginia. He is a huge sports fan and avid member of Steelers Nation. He also supports the Pittsburgh Penguins, Pittsburgh Pirates, WVU basketball, and WVU football. Aspiring NFL Draft/Steelers analyst or NFL Scout. Follow me on twitter @a_chiado97

Levi Combs, Junior Staff Writer:  Levi was born in Cincinnati, Ohio and has lived there all his life. He is a junior in high school. He’s played soccer for 8 years, and currently plays for the Lakota East High School varsity team.  Levi became a Steelers fan by going to his best friend’s house (who were Steelers fans) and watched the games with them. The more he watched, the more he started to learn about the players, and eventually became obsessed by playing the part of GM in a notebook.  Seven years later, and he is now writing for one of the biggest Steeler blogs out there.

Brendan Driscoll, Junior Staff Writer:  Brendan was born and raised in Connecticut. Luckily he avoided becoming a dreaded New England Patriots fan thanks to Kordell Stewart and Bill Cowher’s chin. His Steelers fandom reached a pinnacle in 2004, when he met the eventual Super Bowl Champion Steelers team thanks to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. He also supports the Boston Red Sox, Boston Bruins, Boston Celtics, and the UConn Huskies. He recently graduated from college and has been freelancing about high school sports for a local newspaper. Follow Brendan on Twitter @thebruno24

Lori Paddock, Staff Writer: I am a lifelong Pittsburgh Steelers fan who grew up in southwestern PA, enlisted in the Air Force at 18, and rooted for Pittsburgh sports teams everywhere I went. I retired from the AF in 2007 and have followed my husband as he continues his Air Force career. I recently finished an M.A. in English Literature and am waiting to see when the AF will move hubby out of southern Georgia. Follow Lori on Twitter @hazel_44

Jason Brichta, Staff Writer: Born in Eastern Pennsylvania, being and Eagles fan wasn’t an option (nor should it have been.) Have an amazing wife and daughter, living in Ohio State country. I make sure to get to at least one live game each year, as the football Mecca is only three hours away! I’m passionate about the Steelers and football in general. Follow Jason on Twitter @steelerjason

Justin Roem, Staff Writer: Born in the suburbs of New York City, Justin narrowly avoided being a fan of the New York Giants thanks to a waning interest in the game on the parts of his parents. A favorite cousin out in Pittsburgh awakened a love of football for Justin, and he’s bled black and gold ever since. Now, relocated behind enemy lines in Baltimore, Maryland, Justin, 24, has found his love of all things Steelers a more identifying trait than ever. Even a year living in Europe and international business trips haven’t meant missing games. That is the dedication that comes with being a fan of the greatest team in sports!
