Steelers MMQB: NFL HOF Weekend Wrap Up


What We Learned in NFL’s HOF Weekend:

  • Pro Football Hall of Fame inducts Class of 2014
  • Goodell addresses Ray Rice suspension
  • Johnny Manziel completes a pass in a scrimmage…Cleveland goes nuts
  • Josh Gordon’s appeal hearing extended into Monday
  • Steelers ready to hit

Seven players received their gold jackets and busts this weekend in Canton, Ohio. Derrick Brooks, Claude Humphrey, Aeneas Williams, Walter Jones, Ray Guy, Andre Reed, and Michael Strahan were inducted as the Class of 2014 in the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Steelers coach Mike Tomlin got a shout out during Derrick Brooks’ speech, as he thanked his defensive coaches from Tampa Bay, where Tomlin was a defensive backs coach during part of Brooks’ career. Other highlights of the speeches included Claude Humphrey explaining how his youngest daughter was an “accident” although he and his wife “knew where babies come from!” Humphrey also acknowledged his grandson, Archie Robinson Jr.

"“He is something to be admired. Every Sunday, we get up and go to early church service, so we can go back and get some chicken wings and go back to sleep.” – Claude Humphrey"

Aeneas Williams reminisced on when he had to cover Michael Irvin of the Cowboys.

"“You guys wouldn’t have that beautiful stadium if we hadn’t upset you in 1998, where I had to cover Michael Irvin – if he went to the restroom, I had to go flush it!” – Aeneas Williams"

The Hall inducted the first pure punter in Ray Guy.

"“It’s been long, long overdue. But now the Hall of Fame has a complete team.” – Ray Guy"

Jim Kelly joined Andre Reed on stage to throw him one more pass. And Michael Strahan admitted that his older siblings called him “BOB” because he had “Booty On Back”.

Rogeez was at the Hall of Fame this weekend to shake hands, take pictures, and act like he has something to do with the greatness in the NFL. During the week leading up to the induction ceremony and HOF Game, Goodell spoke out publicly for the first time addressing the Ray Rice suspension. His response was weak and ridiculous. He kept reiterating that the punishments involved in the personal conduct policy have to “remain consistent” which is a load of crap. First of all, his supreme authority he fought tooth and nail for in the CBA over the personal conduct policy actually dictates that this is one area that doesn’t need to be consistent, he can suspend for any length of time he deems fit because he’s the ultimate authority. The substance abuse and PED suspensions have to be consistent because those suspensions are outlined specifically on a scale of offenses in the CBA. Also, consistent with what Rogeez? The NONE other NFL players you’ve suspended who’ve been arrested, charged, or convicted with domestic violence crimes? What Roger Goodell meant to say was this, “We really only suspended Ray Rice two games because we don’t have the balls to take a real stand against a player doing something actually wrong and we’re absolutely confident we won’t lose a dollar of significant revenue or merchandising money over the bad PR involved in how awfully we’ve handled this situation. Now go buy some tickets or upgrade your cable packages, b****s.”

More from Steelers News

I’ve come to realize that each time Johnny Manziel completes a pass in training camp; his name is going to come back up in the discussion over if he should start over Brian Hoyer. Reports out of ESPN’s Browns reporter Pat McManamon, who is covering Cleveland’s camp, are that Hoyer is having a solid camp, but oooh, look Johnny just made a throw! Good boy Johnny! You should totally start now. Actually, as a Steelers fan, I would be ecstatic to see Johnny Manziel starting under center for the Browns on September 7th. If anything can knock that punk down a peg or two it’s the Steelers defense.

The league is taking a little extra time with Josh Gordon’s appeal on his season-long ban for multiple failed drug tests under the league’s substance abuse policy. Gordon’s argument is that the difference of the two samples was so slight that he could argue that he inhaled second-hand marijuana smoke and didn’t actually smoke it himself. Creative defense in deed, I can see how you can argue that a positive test with only a small trace of weed was found in the samples resulting in a season-long ban is unfair. But the season-long ban is on the scale of punishment for Gordon because this is not his first positive test. He’s failed multiple tests and anyone in that stage of the NFL’s program is tested on a weekly basis. He deserves the season-long ban for his stupidity alone.

The Steelers almost made it through their first week of training camp without a single fight, even after having some scuffles in OTAs. Now the routine of going up against each other is clearly wearing thin on the guys and they’re ready to hit. Three fights have broken out in practice since Friday night when Vince Williams and Le’Veon Bell went add it with LeGarrette Blount jumping in. Coach Mike Tomlin uses the fights basically as a training technique, knowing these guys aren’t actually holding any real hostility towards each other and just basically getting caught up in the heat of the moment.

"“At times, you’re going to feel like you’re wronged, but at the same time, you’ve got to keep your wits about you because we step into stadiums with one goal in mind, and that is to win. Obviously 15-yard penalties and things of that nature don’t help that cause.” – Mike Tomlin"