Ranking the Room: Who is the top linebacker for the Steelers in 2024?

We continue with our room ranking this offseason as the Steelers' LB is broken down and dissected before training camp.
Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Elandon Roberts (50)
Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Elandon Roberts (50) / Scott Galvin-USA TODAY Sports

With July officially here, I will be taking the time to rank the Steelers roster by positional group before training camp gets underway. The ultimate goal will be to create a ranked list of every play on the roster before camp gets started.

The rankings will be a mix of criteria. Mainly, I am looking at what players will put the Steelers in the best position to win this year. While long-term potential is considered, I care less about what a player can provide in 2025 as opposed to what they can do for the team this year. For rookies, their level of pro-readiness will be taken into account as well as their projection on the roster. We are continuing with the linebackers, a group that has been radically updated in recent years.

Steelers eight linebackers ranked

8. Tyler Murray

Tyler Murray is built like a modern linebacker, as he is slightly undersized but has some good athletic traits. Unfortunately, linebackers like him are a dime a dozen now in the league, and the team already has its fair share of coverage linebackers. He would need to pop on special teams, but ultimately practice squad seems like his best shot at sticking around.

7. Jacoby Windmon

An undrafted free agent from this season, Jacoby Windmon is a unique player in this room. He predominantly played edge at Michigan State, but his size makes him a better fit off the ball. His pass-rush skills could make him a good blitzer and a great special teams option though. I think he could push for the last linebacker spot as a core special teams ace.

6. Mark Robinson

Everyone’s camp darling from a few seasons ago has seemingly fallen on some hard times. While he has looked the part when called into duty and in practice, the Steelers are clearly lower on him than most fans are. They have done whatever they can to avoid turning to him. As only an ok special teams option, his roster spot is very much in question and he needs to shine this year.

5. Tyler Matakevich

The most recent addition to this room is a familiar face. Tyler Matakevich is a former seventh round pick of the Steelers who shined on special teams for his rookie deal. He played the past four years in Buffalo and had a similar impact. While his defensive role will be nonexistent, he can continue to be a core special teams player, a perfect role for a fifth linebacker.

4. Cole Holcomb

It is hard to rank Cole Holcomb right now because we don’t have a clear idea of where he is following his injury last year. While the team seems optimistic, they have also been busy adding to the room this year. Even if he is healthy, his role seems uncertain. It isn’t his fault, but you can’t count on Holcomb right now because of that leg injury.

3. Payton Wilson

While a late third-round pick, everyone seems to be excited to see what Payton Wilson can offer the defense. Injury concerns knocked him into the third round, but many considered him the top off-ball linebacker based on talent alone. Given the uncertainty of Holcomb and the Steelers use of three-man rotations at linebacker last year, I expect him to earn a role at some point.

The question is how big and how soon. While he will need to carve out a role on special teams initially, his athleticism could eventually get him on the field in nickel defense. From there, impressive play could lead to him taking over as the second linebacker. That is all projection right now and has to be earned though, so he takes third on this list.

2. Elandon Roberts

Elandon Roberts proved to be a critical signing last year once the linebacker room was decimated by injury. He went from role player to every down starter and more than held his own. Ideally, this season he goes back to being a run thumper on defense. As stated, Wilson will likely be hot on his heels, but Roberts should have an initial role on defense and be a core contributor once again.

1. Patrick Queen

For the sake of this signing, Patrick Queen better be the top dog on this roster. The Steelers inked him to the largest free agent deal in team history with the expectation that he would serve as the three-down linebacker and be an impact player on defense. He was most of that for the Ravens, although his play took off once they added a capable running mate for him on defense.

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Given the structure of this contract, Queen will either earn his second season or be a cap casualty next year. Unless Wilson really dominates, this group should trail Queen. He needs to prove that he can play at an elite level on his own though. He will have that chance though for the Steelers this year.